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Sarah’s Story

Sarah, 31, has breast cancer. Having endured six sessions of chemotherapy, a mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Sarah has also been left with nerve damage to her arm.

Sarah’s mum, Sharon, has been caring for Sarah and doing her housework. Sarah has two small children so having a decent lightweight hoover is an important piece of equipment which will really help the family out in this time of need. Their old hoover did not work properly and it was so heavy that Sharon couldn’t manoeuvre it properly during her illness.

We were delighted to fund a Dyson, after finding out that they were struggling with her old hoover which didn’t work properly and was so heavy it was difficult to manoeuvre.

Sharon says: “Sarah has been so brave throughout her treatments and I am very proud of her. The Dyson hoover has been an absolute godsend”.


The new Dyson in action!